ready to join the movement?
It's simple. BUY, CONNECT, SHARE and WEAR.
First, choose a charity that sells apparel and uses the proceeds to support their mission and BUY your t-shirt from them.
(Remember, Forget the Frock doesn't sell t-shirts; we just connect you with charities that do!)
Then CONNECT with Forget the Frock on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
SHARE your decision to join the movement on social media and recruit your friends and co-workers to join in.
(Don't forget to tell your church about the movement: each year, we have dozens of churches that will embrace the movement as a congregation at the urging of their members).
Finally, WEAR your shirt on Easter Sunday and tell everyone you meet about the fantastic work that your charity is doing in the community.
You can choose to buy a shirt from ANY organization that you feel is making an impact in the world. However, we know that it can be difficult to find charities that are acting responsibly and sustainably in the communities they serve. That's why each year, we partner with a few established organizations that are doing important work in a fiscally-responsible manner. These are organizations that are tackling issues holistically, going at the root causes of injustice and seeking to affect change in the long term. But don't take our word for it: visit the websites of our Partner Charities, check them out on social media, then choose the organization whose work aligns with your values and buy your shirt straight from their site.
Q: Does Forget the Frock receive a cut of my purchase?
A: NO. Forget the Frock does not receive a portion of your purchase. You buy straight from the charity, in their store, and the entirety of your purchase goes to them.
Q: What's the catch? How does Forget the Frock make money?
A: Forget the Frock is a volunteer-run organization. Our staff receives no salary and does not profit in any way from our partner charities. Partner charities pay a very modest, flat-rate fee that allows them to use our logo and name and we market their charity to our followers through social media channels. This fee is used to help offset our expenses (web hosting, advertising costs, etc.). Forget the Frock also sells an inexpensive digital promotions packet (flyers, signage templates, bulletin inserts, etc.) to churches that decide to join the movement. Throughout the year, we also work with churches to plan fashion shows and other events that feature 'Purposeful Products': basically clothing, handbags, jewelry, shoes and more that are created and sold to fund charitable missions around the world, and we speak at events to encourage others to "Dress with a Purpose" throughout the year. Click here to learn more.
Q: Is Forget the Frock a non-profit organization?
A: Yes, Forget the Frock is a licensed nonprofit in the state of Kentucky and is actively pursuing designation as a 501(c)(3) organization pursuant to the United States Internal Revenue Service regulations.
Q: I love what you are doing! How can I help?
A: Forget the Frock is an entirely volunteer-run organization and we depend heavily upon a team of volunteer social media Ambassadors, regular people who share the movement on social media on a consistent basis. We also utilize Ambassadors at churches around the country that assist their home congregations in placing group orders in support of a variety of organizations. And if you have a blog, a radio show, or a large social media following, we'd love for you to help us spread the word. Learn more here.
Q: I operate a non-profit that sells apparel. How can I partner with Forget the Frock?
A: Forget the Frock accepts Featured Partner inquiries from October 1 through December 31 for the following year's Easter campaign. Organizations are welcome to seek Affiliate listing throughout the year by filling out this form. We also feature organizations and their products throughout the year in our Purposeful Products Guide. If you are interesting in having your organization featured, please email us at with detailed information about your organization, and we will be in touch to initiate the vetting process. All Featured Partner organizations must comply with a vetting process that includes a telephone interview, sharing your non-profit financial disclosures, and more.