church hosts

Each year, churches across the country will join the Forget the Frock movement, with pastors challenging their congregations to "Dress with a Purpose" on Easter. Some churches decide to coordinate a group order for one of our Partner Charities. Other churches design, print and sell a t-shirt in support of a local charity or ministry with whom they have an existing relationship. The churches that participate enjoy the renewed sense of unity among their members as a result of banding together for a common cause. Their congregations value the opportunity to embody the commands of Jesus to care for the orphan, widow and needy.  Many of our church hosts have wonderful things to say about the impact of Forget the Frock on their Easter services. 

“I can’t begin to describe how amazing this experience has been. From the very beginning, I should have realized that God had much larger plans than we imagined. When we started, we hoped to have about 100 shirts, normal attendance is about 400, so we thought 25% would be a good start. No one imagined more than 200. The totals: 489 shirts were sold. More than $7600 was raised, meaning that 520 children will receive a month of meals in the child feeding program that our church supports in Nicaragua. I am so thankful for the opportunity for our church to participate in the Forget the Frock Easter Campaign. It has been a blessing to all of us involved.”
— Gina, Campaign Coordinator for First Baptist Church Pinson, Alabama

“We’ve been trying to impress on our church members here that there’s more that we can do, and there are little things we can do in the day to day. Not everybody can go to the Third World on a mission trip. Not everybody can adopt a child or even sponsor a child ... but this is something everyone can do. It’s something parents can use as a teaching tool, even at a young age.”

— Gordy Prather, Minister at Science Hill Christian Church

Listen to Derick Terry, pastor at Dunnville Christian Church, and his wife, Lacey, talk about the value of Forget the Frock to their church: 


Q. How does Forget the Frock decide which organizations to feature?
A. Forget the Frock trusts God to provide opportunities for traditions to be changed, to provide opportunities to value people more than impressing man, while unifying and exciting faith families, so that hungry bellies can be filled, the vulnerable are rescued and loved, and most importantly, share the Good News of Christ. It is vital that we work closely only with those organizations that share these same values. We look for organizations committed to caring for the vulnerable that Jesus taught His followers to care for: the orphan, the poor, the widow and the oppressed or enslaved. We choose to partner with organizations that are confronting these issues holistically: meeting immediate needs, providing long-term solutions that promote independence and dignity, and caring for the spiritual needs as well as the physical needs of the afflicted. Fiscal transparency and responsibility are also highly important. 

Q. Our church already supports a similar mission. Can we create a Forget the Frock campaign to raise money for this mission?
A. Absolutely! Many churches already support feeding missions, family support programs, homeless outreaches and other worthy missions that align with our goal of caring for "the least of these" that Jesus so frequently mentioned in His teachings. We love to see churches design and sell their own t-shirts (using their own slogans or designs--the Forget the Frock logo and name are copyright protected and are licensed only to our Partners). Please contact us below, tell us about your mission and campaign, and we will celebrate your church's participation in the movement on our social media channels and provide you with graphics you can use to promote your campaign. Our only request is that churches not utilize the Forget the Frock Easter campaign to raise money for buildings, capital improvements, or infrastructure within their own churches, as this is not in alignment with our mission and vision for the campaign. 

Q. Where can I read your Statement of Faith? 
A. We at Forget the Frock believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe in Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, born to a virgin, who lived a sinless human life, died to atone for the sins of mankind, bodily rose after three days and ascended to Heaven. We believe in the salvation of mankind is only through Jesus Christ by faith alone, apart from works. We believe in the Holy Spirit, whose indwelling enables the believer to witness and work for Jesus and unites all believers in the Body of Christ. Please contact each individual charity to read their organization's Statement of Faith before choosing the organization that you will support. 


Resources for Church Hosts

We know that church staff members frequently wear many hats and are usually stretched very thin. That's why we've created a Digital Promotions Kit, to make running your campaign effortless. Customizable bulletin graphics and pocket cards make it easy to get the word out to your congregation. Signage and posters make it easy for your churchgoers to find your shirt ordering and pickup locations. And your media team will love the screen graphics and videos, ready to be incorporated in your Sunday morning screen presentations. The fully updated 2018 kit will be available for download February 12, 2018. 


interested in hosting a local campaign? let's talk!

Have questions about the Forget the Frock movement? Uncertain how to get started with a campaign?  Or have you heard enough and are ready to bring your church on board?

Please complete the form below and one of our team members will reach out to you shortly.