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Join the Movement
Easter Campaign
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Join the Ambassador Team
Please complete the form below
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Blog address, if applicable
Have you participated in the Forget the Frock campaign before?
Facebook Profile
Instagram Profile
Twitter Profile
Pinterest Profile
Please indicate your agreement, or explain below:
I am willing to follow the official Forget the Frock accounts on social media channels in which I already participate.
If using Facebook to share the campaign, I will friend Angela Williams Parker during the course of the campaign. (You are welcome to unfollow at the completion of the campaign).
I am willing to share/retweet/repost a minimum of five (5) Forget the Frock postings per week on social media.
I am willing to set my Facebook privacy status to "Public" for all Forget the Frock posts. (Note: this does not apply to your personal posts or profile settings, only to the Forget the Frock media you share each week.)
I agree to maintain a spirit of positivity in regards to the campaign. I will answer questions about the campaign with accurate information, or I will tag Angela Williams Parker for additional help in addressing the issue or clarifying questions. I will not engage in negativity, even to those who may respond negatively to the campaign on social media. I will use my best judgement to judiciously delete offensive or irrelevant comments made to my Forget the Frock posts. (Discussion, even to address criticisms, is not to be stifled. However, insulting remarks, profanity, vulgarity or offensive statements should be hidden by you).
Thank you! Be on the lookout for a welcome email and additional info on how to get started.